Thanks to the First TEATIME Dissemination Grant Awarded by COST Association, at the end of May 2022 I participated to the 8th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society (MNS) Conference that took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, a wonderful location on the Adriatic Sea.
In my presentation, titled as our Action “Improving biomedical research by automated behavior monitoring in the animal home-cage – COST Action TEATIME CA20135” I could introduce what COST Actions are and I could give a brief overview of our objectives, first achievements and future plans.
The presentation had a good attendance and several researcher and companies representatives were interested in learning about TEATIME. I also had the opportunity to talk with some young scientists (mostly from ITC countries) very eager to know more about our Action and that manifested the intention to join and actively participate. I have received many questions at the end of the presentation on the Action, on my data and on how my research benefited from the application of a home cage monitoring system. Very important for our Action was also the opportunity to bond and interact more with other members of TEATIME present at the conference.
After almost one year from that event I can say that there are already tangible results in having young researcher that, after learning there about TEATIME, are now very actively involved in our Action. One participated to our First Training School and all are also enthusiastic members of several workgroups.
– Silvia Mandillo